The BQ Portal
BQ Portal is the online work and knowledge sharing platform for the assessment and evaluation of vocational and further training qualifications obtained abroad. It helps assessment authorities and companies in Germany to better evaluate foreign diplomas.
Applications for recognition
Infodialog: Total applications made in professions governed by federal law from 2012 to 2023
Country profiles
Infodialog: Published country profiles on BQ-Portal with descriptions of the foreign VET systems
Professional profiles
Infodialog: Published professional profiles on BQ-Portal with detailed information on foreign professional qualifications
Logo Kofa EN

The Competence Centre for securing skilled labor supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in finding and binding skilled workers, in gaining a reputation as an attractive employer and remaining competitive and successful.

to the initiative
Logo Make it in Germany

The official website is the German government’s portal for qualified professionals from around the world. The portal, which can be browsed in a variety of different languages, offers information for those interested in moving to Germany – starting with preparations in the home country, to the actual move, to the first steps to be taken in Germany.

to the initiative

This project of the DIHK and ZDH informs companies about the advantages and  benefits of formal recognition of foreign credentials. Therefore 11 chambers of commerce and industry and 5 chambers of crafts working together to promote the recognition within the companies.

to the initiative

The IQ Network advises immigrants on all aspects of the German labour market. The IQ contact point "Counselling and Training" provides comprehensive information on professional recognition.

to the initiative
Thumbnail supports the German economy in evaluating professional experiences and qualifications of refugees. The online application is easy to use, intercultural understandable and can be used early in the integration process. Therefore helps refugees on their first steps into the German labour market.

to the initiative

NETZWERK Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge is an initiative of the DIHK, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The initiative offers its member companies information on: legal issues, integration initiatives, best-practices, cooperations. 

to the initiative

ProRecognition ist ein vom BMBF gefördertes und vom DIHK umgesetztes Projekt zur Anerkennungsberatung im Ausland. ProRecognition berät aktuell in 10 Ländern Fachkräfte vor Ort bei den Auslandshandelskammern und Delegationen der Deutschen Wirtschaft (AHKs).

to the initiative

About the BQ-Portal

The BQ-Portal helps assessment authorities and companies to better assess and evaluate vocational and further training qualifications obtained abroad and together with the portal Recognition in Germany and the database anabin it is one of the three central information portals for recognition of foreign professional qualifications.