Recognition statistics 2020

In this section the BQ-Portal provides an overview of applications for professional recognition. Full equivalence is the most common outcome of the equivalence reviews in 2020.

Seit Inkrafttreten des Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetz (BQFG) im April 2012 wurden über 205.000 Anträge auf Anerkennung gestellt. Gut 36.670 Anträge auf Anerkennung der Gleichwertigkeit eines im Ausland erworbenen Abschlusses wurden 2020 abschließend beschieden. Die hierfür zuständigen Stellen vergleichen zunächst formal die Unterschiede zwischen den Curricula im Herkunftsland und in Deutschland. Zudem ziehen sie die individuell nachgewiesene Berufserfahrung hinzu, um bescheinigen zu können, ob wesentliche Unterschiede zu einem deutschen Abschluss bestehen.

More than 36.670 applications for recognition of foreign professional qualifications were processed in 2020 in Germany. The competent authorities responsible for the recognition procedure compare the applicant’s foreign qualification to the corresponding German qualification in order to determine their equivalence. The key criterion for granting equivalence is, that as a result of foreign vocational training, the applicant has acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for practicing that profession in Germany. In addition to formal learning outcomes, relevant work experience or other evidence of competence are taken into consideration.

In most cases, full or partial equivalence could be attested in 2020. Only 2.6 % of the applicants received a negative ruling. One has to bear in mind that partial equivalence is broadly defined and, thus, ranges from “only limited” to “large overlaps between the German and the foreign qualification”. The significant differences which can be compensated through a formalised additional training (compensation measures), vary accordingly. The share of those granted full equivalence is high, at 53,8%. You can find a detailed analysis of recognition statistics 2020 at Anerkennung in Deutschland.

The BQ-Portal provides an overview of applications for professional recognition by professions and countries.


Regulated professions: In order for these occupations to be exercised a full equivalence is required. This is primarily the case in health professions (e.g., doctors, general care nurses etc.) and regulated master craftsman occupations. About three quarters of the recognition procedures deal with regulated professions. In case it is not possible to attest full equivalence, the assessment notification imposes compensation measures which have to be fulfilled in order to acquire full equivalence.

Non-regulated professions: These include occupations that require prior vocational and advanced training qualifications such as electronics technician, mechatronics technician, office clerk etc. About 24,4% of the recognition procedures are concerned with non-regulated professions. In case it is not possible to grant full equivalence, a partial equivalence is attested. After the fulfilment of the imposed compensation measures full equivalence can be acquired.

Equivalence quotas: The equivalence evaluation generally consists of two stages: the formal and the individual evaluation. The formal evaluation is sometimes sufficient for determining equivalence. In such cases, an official notification is issued stating that the foreign professional qualification is equivalent to the German reference qualification. If it is not possible to determine equivalence based on formal qualifications alone, the individual evaluation will take additional evidence of training and relevant work experience into consideration. Therefore, the equivalence quotas in the recognition statistics base on mostly individual equivalence evaluations.

Anerkennungsstatistik -ausgewählte Berufe 2016 EN
For the regulated professions, the rate of full recognition ranges from 35 to 75 percent, except for veterinarian and nursing professional which has a success rate of 90 percent and 86 percent, respectively. Furthermore, the highest rate of full equivalence was issued for the non-regulated occupation of cook, at 82 percent. This is immediately followed by the occupations of electrical systems technician, specialist for metal technology and industrial electrician with over 70 percent.
Anerkennungsstatistik -ausgewählte Antragsländer 2016 EN
More than 65 percent of the recognition procedures for foreign professional qualifications obtained in EU member states end with a full equivalence. The positive recognition rate for Austria and the Czech Republic is the highest as it reaches 93 percent. It is followed by the Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, Lithuania, and Latvia.