Use advanced search functions, such as * as a placeholder for parts of words (e.g. refugee can be found by typing ref *) or enter several search terms, such as qualification refugee.
In this section the BQ-Portal provides an overview of the success rates of applications for professional recognition by professional groups, professions, regions and countries. Full equivalence is the most common outcome of the equivalence reviews in 2017.
According to data published today by the Federal Statistical Office, more and more applications for professional recognition are being filed in. In 2017, some 25,000 new applications were submitted (a 9 percent increase over the previous year) and 21,800 qualifications were recognized (a 14 percent increase over the previous year). Since the Recognition Act came into effect in 2012, some 111,500 applications for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications were submitted, the Federal Statistical Office reports.
The Recognition Act can be seen as part of a new welcoming culture in Germany. Find out what advantages a company culture that embraces international staff and diversity offers for your business.