IW Study: Companies use recognition of foreign professional qualifications as a sign of appreciation and employee retention

The recognition of foreign professional qualifications is essential for securing skilled workers in Germany. The study conducted by the German Economic Institute on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications from a company perspective shows that companies see potential in the recognition of foreign qualifications, but demand simpler, faster and digitally supported procedures.

Key findings of the study:

  • 17.2 percent of companies have practical experience with the recognition of foreign qualifications.
  • The main reasons for recognition: appreciation of employees (72.3 percent) and long-term retention of skilled workers (71.8 percent).
  • 51.6 percent of these companies report negative experiences (e.g. long waiting times for visas, bureaucratic hurdles), while 39.3 percent have had positive experiences.
  • 65.9 percent call for better advice, 63.8 percent would like more accessible information.
  • Digital solutions such as AI-supported document verification could speed up processes.

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