The rate of full equivalencies varies by profession. For the regulated professions, the rate of full recognition ranges from 25 to 65 percent, with the exception of veterinarian which has a success rate of 80 percent. In over 50 percent of applicants who wish to work as general care nurses, general care and paediatric nurses, medical radiology technicians, medical laboratory technicians and pharmaceutical technical assistants, a compensatory measure was imposed that had not yet been completed at the end of the year under review.
As shown in the chart, the highest rate of full equivalence was issued for the non-regulated occupation of cook, at 83 percent. This is immediately followed by the occupations of electrical systems technician, technician for metal technology and hairdresser with over 60 percent. By contrast, the rates of full equivalence are strikingly low for information and telecommunication system electronics technicians and construction draftsman, although 82 and 77 percent of them respectively received a partial equivalence. Furthermore, the proportion of all non-regulated occupations for which partial equivalence certified is, is between 40 and 80 percent.
Applications granted equivalence by profession, 2019
For the exact number of applications processed, see figure below.
As in previous years, in 2019 healthcare regulated professions played a major role in recognition procedures for foreign professional qualifications in Germany. The majority of processed applications concerned the general care nurses and doctors. The processed applications for nursing profession (15,925) increased significantly compared to the previous year (10,563), while only a slight increase was recorded for the doctor profession. Similarly, to 2018, in 2019 the non-regulated occupation of office clerk is in third place, with less than 1,000 applications, and well behind the two previously mentioned occupations. Electronic technicians, electrical systems technicians and motor vehicle mechatronics technician are also frequently found in recognition procedures.
Applications processed by profession, 2019