Recognition by profession 2013

In terms of individual professions the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. On the one hand, over 90% of master bricklayers and master concrete workers receive full equivalence. Only slightly below this figure is the success rate of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a dentist or veterinarian recognized.

In terms of individual professions the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. On the one hand, over 90% of master bricklayers and master concrete workers receive full equivalence. Only slightly below this figure is the success rate of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a dentist or veterinarian recognized.  On the other hand, masseurs and medical pool attendants have a small chance of receiving a positive ruling. Only one in nine masseurs who submitted an application for professional recognition is granted full equivalence.

Applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2013

Applications granted full equivalence by profession, 2013
Professions with at least 50 applications processed.

The majority of recognition procedures concerned the healthcare professions. Besides, a lot of applicants sought recognition in such professions as commercial clerks, industrial mechanics and sellers.

Applications processed by profession, 2013

Applications processed by profession, 2013
Professions with at least 50 applications processed.