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The Federal Cabinet adopted today the report on the Recognition Act. Since the introduction of the Recognition Act four years ago, the number of applications has been growing significantly. In 2012-2014 some 44.000 applications for recognition of professional qualifications were submitted only in the field of federally regulated professions, 17.600 of which were filed in 2014. Those who submit an application for recognition of a qualification obtained abroad have good chances of receiving positive ruling.
On this page, companies can find information about the Skilled Workers Immigration Act (FEG), the recognition potentials of vocational diplomas from selected focus countries, practical examples of successful recruitment from abroad as well as contact points for companies.
The share of applicants granted full equivalence in Germany varies widely among the individual professions and among the professional groups. The proportion of applicants who received full equivalence is especially high in the sales sector. On the other hand, the success rate in the law and administration sector is extremely low due to significant differences in the law and administration systems among the countries.
The majority of recognition notifications is granted to the applicants from Poland. The general care nurses stand here on the first place. Then come physiotherapists and doctors, followed by non-regulated professions such as office clerks, sellers and motor vehicle mechatronics technicians.
In this section you will find answers to frequently asked questions about professional recognition. The section is focused on the perspective of companies accompanying the recognition process.
On 1 October 2019 a new funding directive for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications comes into force. It expands the funding opportunities. In future, it will also be possible to get funding for certificate evaluations from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Over 90% of applicants who wish to acquire a license to practice as ergotherapists receive full equivalence. In most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 40% to 80%.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Almost 90% of applicants who wish to work as seller receive full equivalence. In most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 40% to 80%.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Over 90% of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a veterinarian, occupational therapist, speech therapist or pharmacist recognized receive full equivalence. In the most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 50% to 90%.