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United Nations honors the BQ-Portal – the information portal for foreign professional qualifications, an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, with the United Nations Public Service Award (UNPSA) on June 26th, 2024.
At the moment, a lot of refugees fleeing from war and persecution are desperate to get to Germany. On the one hand, it is a great challenge. On the other hand, it is a great opportunity: Germany can offer the refugees a safe haven and at the same time enable them to get qualified and enter the labor market.
From 1 July onwards, skilled workers from non-EU countries will find it easier to relocate to Germany. On that date, the new Employment Act will come into effect, which is aimed at counteracting the current shortage of skilled workers and enhancing Germany’s position in the worldwide competition for qualified professionals. Not an easy task, as other large Western economies and newly industrialised countries are also adapting their immigration policies.
1 March 2021 is the first anniversary of Germany´s Skilled Workers Immigration Act. The initial assessment is positive: Despite the pandemic, 30,000 visas for skilled workers and trainees were granted.
If you have a question regarding BQ-Portal, please check our FAQ (frequently asked questions). If your question is not answered yet, please contact us at
Compared to 2008, the number of EU foreigners in Germany has doubled. Most immigrants came from Southern and Eastern Europe. The immigrants represent a great potential for the German economy. The BQ-Portal offers comprehensive information on foreign vocational qualifications and thus creates greater acceptance for foreign credentials.
The shortage of skilled workers in Germany has been increasing across all sectors for years and is slowing the German economy. A recent study by German Economic Institute (IW) shows that many skilled workers are lacking, especially in occupations with unequal gender ratios.
The share of those granted full equivalence in the health and sales sector stands at more than 75%. The success rate in the law and administration sector is, on the contrary, extremely low due to significant differences in the law and administration systems among the countries.
In most OECD European countries and in the United States, labour migration in 2022 was at a 15 year record level. Year-on-year increases in the primary destination countries were striking: the number of new permanent-type labour migrants increased by 59% in Germany.
The BQ-Portal, the portal “Recognition in Germany” and the database “anabin” are the three central information portals for recognition of foreign professional qualifications.