Use advanced search functions, such as * as a placeholder for parts of words (e.g. refugee can be found by typing ref *) or enter several search terms, such as qualification refugee.
Since February 2018 the project „Recognition in Germany“ is also on Facebook. Apart from information on recognition of professional qualifications their Facebook webpage offers in particular a platform for dialogue and exchange.
From now on, Alliance for initial and further training has its own website. The partners in the Alliance have a shared interest in improving and strengthening the dual system. The business community, the trade unions, the Federation and the Länder want to work together in the Alliance for Initial and Further Training and ensure that vocational training remains fit for the future and promote it amongst young people and their parents, in schools and higher education institutions, and in society in general.
The notification indicates the extent to which a foreign qualification corresponds to its German counterpart. Find out what partial, full or no equivalence mean.
The Recognition Act can be seen as part of a new welcoming culture in Germany. Find out what advantages a company culture that embraces international staff and diversity offers for your business.
In Germany thanks to the three central information portals for recognition of foreign professional qualifications, “BQ-Portal”, “Recognition in Germany” and “anabin”, there is a wide range of information on the recognition process. From now on, the new project “ProRecognition” aims to offer also in other countries comprehensive information on the possibilities of having foreign qualifications recognised in Germany.
Compared to 2008, the number of EU foreigners in Germany has doubled. Most immigrants came from Southern and Eastern Europe. The immigrants represent a great potential for the German economy. The BQ-Portal offers comprehensive information on foreign vocational qualifications and thus creates greater acceptance for foreign credentials.
How expensive is a recognition procedure? And what financial aid you can get? This section demonstrates the costs of the recognition procedure and the available funding options at federal and state level.
A successful decade of recognition of foreign professional qualifications lies behind us! More than 400,000 applications for recognition and an annual increase in applications until 2019 prove that the Recognition Act has been successful. Procedures as well support structures are well established.