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Every year, the BIBB Recognition Monitoring Project takes a closer look at recognition figures. Applications for federal occupations saw growth of 10 percent compared to the previous year. 34,700 new applications for federal occupations were received in the recognition offices in 2021 ; 41% of these – and therefore significantly more than in previous years – were submitted from abroad, in particular from third countries.
The majority of applications for recognition are filed by foreign general care nurses. Further professions we selected for a detailed overview are doctors, office clerks, electronics technicians and motor vehicle mechatronics technicians. The range of countries of origin is enormous. Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked first with 2.004 applications processed.
The majority of applications for recognition are filed by foreign general care nurses. Further professions we selected for a detailed overview are doctors, office clerks, electronics technicians and motor vehicle mechatronics technicians. The range of countries of origin is enormous. Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked first with 1.518 applications processed.
Applicants from Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and France have the highest chances of positive ruling since their success rate is over 90%. The highest recognition rate has the Netherlands with about 96%. Those from Italy, Austria, Romania and Hungary received a positive ruling in over 89% of the cases.
Applicants from Belgium, Hungary, Libya, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Italy and Romania have the highest chances of positive ruling since their success rate is over 85%. The highest recognition rate has Austria with about 92%. Those from Greece received a positive ruling in over 80% of the cases.
Applicants from Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain have the highest chances of positive ruling since their success rate is over 90%. The recognition rate of those from Belgium equals 100%, which means that all applicants from Belgium get full equivalence. The success rate of those from Czech Republic, Netherlands and Portugal is over 94%.
As in 2021, the highest number of applications came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by the Philippines, Serbia, and Syria. The Netherlands has the highest positive recognition rate in 2022 with at 94 percent, closely followed by Latvia, as well as Hungary, Switzerland, Lithuania, Austria and the Czech Republic, which also have positive recognition rates of over 90 percent.
As in 2020, the most frequent applications come from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is fol-lowed by the Philippines, Serbia, and Syria. The positive recognition rate in 2021 for Latvia with 94 percent is the highest. It is closely followed by the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and Hungary, which also have positive recognition rates of over at 90 percent.
Germany has become an attractive destination for immigrants again. This is especially true for young, well-trained professionals from the EU, the Advisory Board of German Foundations on Migration and Integration has found in its latest annual review.