Use advanced search functions, such as * as a placeholder for parts of words (e.g. refugee can be found by typing ref *) or enter several search terms, such as qualification refugee.
The shortage of skilled workers in Germany has been increasing across all sectors for years and is slowing the German economy. A recent study by German Economic Institute (IW) shows that many skilled workers are lacking, especially in occupations with unequal gender ratios.
The BQ Portal was recognised as the best and most innovative performer in public administrations across Europe. During an award ceremony which took place on 18 November, the BQ Portal was awarded the European Public Sector Award trophy in the European/national/regional category by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA).
In this section the BQ-Portal provides an overview of applications for professional recognition. Full equivalence is the most common outcome of the equivalence reviews in 2021.
In this section the BQ-Portal provides an overview of applications for professional recognition. Full equivalence is the most common outcome of the equivalence reviews in 2019.
In this section the BQ-Portal provides an overview of applications for professional recognition. Full equivalence is the most common outcome of the equivalence reviews in 2022.
In this section the BQ-Portal provides an overview of applications for professional recognition. Full equivalence is the most common outcome of the equivalence reviews in 2020.