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Our compact one-page country overviews give you a valuable insight into the country of origin of refugees in question. They have been updated and give you the recent informations.
In the new country profile you will find detailed information on the structure and country-specific characteristics of the vocational training system of Cyprus. Furthermore, the map of the vocational training system allows you to quickly classify the qualifications.
In the new country profile you will find detailed information on the structure and country-specific characteristics of the vocational training system of Ecuador. Furthermore, the map of the vocational training system allows you to quickly classify the qualifications.
The majority of recognition notifications are granted to applicants trained in Syria. Doctor is the most common profession among Syrian applicants. Further recognition notifications are issued for office clerks, dentists, pharmacists, general care nurses and IT specialists. In this section you can find the detailed statistics also for Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Iran and Serbia.
507 Sayılı Kanunun Çıraklık Ve Mesleki Eğitimle İlgili Hükümlerinin Uygulanmasına Dair Yönetmelik; Türkiye Esnaf ve Sanatkarları Konfederasyonu (Resmi Gazete Tarihi: 02/01/1992) (Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 21099)
The new guideline of the funding programme Integration through Qualification (IQ) for guidance counsellors provides information on the application possibilities of Section 16d of the Residence Act. Various topics are covered in connection with the recognition procedure, such as qualifications to compensate significant differences to the German reference occupation, visa procedures, funding and necessary documents. In addition, IQ has published a "Handout for Professionals" in German and English.