Use advanced search functions, such as * as a placeholder for parts of words (e.g. refugee can be found by typing ref *) or enter several search terms, such as qualification refugee.
On 11 January 2013, policy makers and representatives from chambers of commerce, companies, public authorities and migrants’ associations came together for a conference entitled “Skilled workers – Transparency – Respect: tapping the domestic pool of skills” at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) in Berlin. The participants discussed new approaches to assessing and recognising foreign qualifications and exchanged their experiences.
The Recognition Act can be seen as part of a new welcoming culture in Germany. Find out what advantages a company culture that embraces international staff and diversity offers for your business.
International teams are an asset: by recruiting staff from abroad, employers not only bring highly qualified employees into the company. With their new approaches and their experience of other cultural backgrounds, international qualified professionals also enrich corporate culture.
You have received a job application with a professional qualification obtained abroad but you do not know whether it is appropriate or sufficient. Or: You already have employees with foreign professional qualifications and are wondering whether you could place them in a position better suited to their qualifications - and thus make optimal use of your available human resources.