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More than 13,200 foreign professional qualifications were recognised in 2014, the Federal Statistic Office reports. This is a twelve percent increase over the previous year. Since the Recognition Act entered in force in April 2012, some 32,500 applications were granted full or limited recognition, which is good news in view of rising skills shortages.
The success rate differs depending on the region where the foreign professional qualification was obtained. The success rate for EU member states is the highest.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. 100% of applicants who wish to work as controller receive full equivalence. In most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 40% to 80%.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Over 90% of applicants who wish to acquire a license to practice as ergotherapists receive full equivalence. In most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 40% to 80%.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Over 90% of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a veterinarian, speech therapist or dentist recognized receive full equivalence. In the most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 40% to 90%.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Over 90% of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a veterinarian, occupational therapist, speech therapist or pharmacist recognized receive full equivalence. In the most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 50% to 90%.
The share of those granted full equivalence varies widely by individual professions and by professional groups. The proportion of applicants who received full equivalence is especially high in the sales sectors. It reaches 82%. The success rate in the informatics, information and communication technology sector is, on the contrary, extremely low.
The applicants willing to have their foreign credentials recognised must bear the costs of the recognition procedure. They must meet the costs for an application, translations, certified copies, and if necessary for a qualification analysis, as well as an additional training.
On September 14, The Federal Statistical Office published the statistics on the Recognition Act for the reference year 2016. Since the Act came into effect in 2012, 86,514 applications for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications were filed, the Federal Statistical Office reports. In 2016, 23,028 new applications were submitted. This is a 14 percent increase over the previous year. The share of those who received a positive ruling is very high. The made up 76,5 percent of all applicants in 2016. In 66,4 percent of cases (19,845 cases), full recognition was granted and in 10,1 percent the partial one. 20,2 percent of applicants have to complete a formalized additional training in order to be able to work in their profession. Only in 3,4 percent of cases, no equivalence could be established between a credential obtained abroad and a corresponding German qualification.
The success rate of recognition procedures in Germany differs depending on the region where the foreign professional qualification was obtained. In particular, the share of cases where full equivalence was established ranges from 84% of qualifications obtained in the EU member states to 60% of qualifications obtained in candidate states for EU membership.