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In Germany thanks to the three central information portals for recognition of foreign professional qualifications, “BQ-Portal”, “Recognition in Germany” and “anabin”, there is a wide range of information on the recognition process. From now on, the new project “ProRecognition” aims to offer also in other countries comprehensive information on the possibilities of having foreign qualifications recognised in Germany.
The 20,000th recognition notification of the IHK FOSA went to Mariana Raposo dos Santos in Karlsruhe. This confirmed the full equivalence of the chemical laboratory assistant's training completed in Portugal with the German qualification. The recognition notification makes her professional qualification as a skilled worker transparent and thus contributes to her integration into the German labour market.
In the beginning of July, the Federal Government passed an act revising the residence rights and thereby created new options for immigration of skilled workers wishing to have their foreign credentials recognized in Germany. A new act is aimed at facilitating immigration of professionals who received only partial recognition and want to obtain full recognition in order to find a job in Germany that matches their skills. For this purpose, the Federal Government introduced a new residence permit.
Make it in Germany has published six new videos on the topic of "how the fast-track procedure for skilled workers succeeds". Fast-track procedure is aimed at speeding up the administrative procedures for professionals wishing to work in Germany until the visa is issued. Three German companies report the path to employment with the Skilled Workers Immigration Act and about the fast-track procedure, from the perspective of skilled workers and companies .
If you have a question regarding BQ-Portal, please check our FAQ (frequently asked questions). If your question is not answered yet, please contact us at
The Federal Ministry of Education launched the project “Prototyping Transfer – Professional Recognition through a Qualification Analysis” that is aimed to decrease the organizational cost of the qualification analyses, assure their quality and provide the applicants the financial assistance.
Refugees are increasingly succeeding in integrating into the German labour market. Particularly female refugees benefit from improved recognition and training opportunities for their qualifications in the teaching and health care sectors.
With the help of adaptation qualification, the significant differences leading to only partial equivalence can be compensated in cases of non-regulated professions. This section shows the adaptation qualification in greater detail.
If you as a company would like to support an international candidate or employee in having their foreign qualification recognized, you may use or point them to existing offers of information and advice.