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An analysis of vocational training in thirteen focus countries from four country clusters. The analysis provides an initial orientation for the recruitment of skilled workers from abroad and the recognition potential of different vocational qualifications.
Since 1 January 2021, the UK is no longer a part of the EU single market or the EU customs union. The EU’s relationship with the UK including recognition procedures has thus fundamentally changed.
1 March 2021 is the first anniversary of Germany´s Skilled Workers Immigration Act. The initial assessment is positive: Despite the pandemic, 30,000 visas for skilled workers and trainees were granted.
The new guideline of the funding programme Integration through Qualification (IQ) for guidance counsellors provides information on the application possibilities of Section 16d of the Residence Act. Various topics are covered in connection with the recognition procedure, such as qualifications to compensate significant differences to the German reference occupation, visa procedures, funding and necessary documents. In addition, IQ has published a "Handout for Professionals" in German and English.
Make it in Germany has published six new videos on the topic of "how the fast-track procedure for skilled workers succeeds". Fast-track procedure is aimed at speeding up the administrative procedures for professionals wishing to work in Germany until the visa is issued. Three German companies report the path to employment with the Skilled Workers Immigration Act and about the fast-track procedure, from the perspective of skilled workers and companies .
On 30 November, the German Government agreed its key points on the immigration of skilled workers from third countries. It thus paves the way for the most modern immigration law Germany has ever had. The key points provide for facilitating immigration firstly for skilled workers with recognised foreign vocational qualifications, secondly for skilled workers with proven professional experience, and thirdly by introducing an opportunity card for job-seeking.
This section will keep you up to date with the latest information about the BQ-Portal, current events and important news related to the recognition of professional qualifications.