Use advanced search functions, such as * as a placeholder for parts of words (e.g. refugee can be found by typing ref *) or enter several search terms, such as qualification refugee.
From now on, Alliance for initial and further training has its own website. The partners in the Alliance have a shared interest in improving and strengthening the dual system. The business community, the trade unions, the Federation and the Länder want to work together in the Alliance for Initial and Further Training and ensure that vocational training remains fit for the future and promote it amongst young people and their parents, in schools and higher education institutions, and in society in general.
The extended country profile of Ukraine includes information on the economy and society in the country, on the most important features of the vocational education and training system, and on immigration to and integration in Germany.
For 10 years, the official website "Make it in Germany" has accompanied many stories in the field of skilled immigration. On the anniversary page, qualified professionals share their personal experiences, voices from the partner network reflect on political developments and employers provide insights into successful recruitment abroad. Moreover, the timeline shows how the project has developed in the last 10 years.
In order to advise and accompany foreign experts on their way to Germany, there are numerous institutions and structures in Germany and abroad that offer support.
The majority of recognition notifications is granted to the applicants from Romania. The majority of the recognition notifications are issued for the regulated professions, especially general care nurse and doctor. There are much fewer notifications issued for the non-regulated professions such as office clerks and electrical systems technician.
The 2017 report marks the fifth anniversary of the law and reveals that success has been achieved right across the board. Efficient administrative structures, comprehensive information and guidance provision have been established over the past five years. The number of recognition applications is continuing to rise. Three quarters of all recognition notices certified full equivalence between foreign and German qualifications. The results of the external evaluation confirm that professional or occupational recognition is improving people’s life circumstances. Recognition is working!
The IQ Competence Centre for Counselling and Job Training of Migrants in cooperation with the IQ Competence Centre for Securing Skill Base supports the implementation of § 17a of the German Residence Act with a new guideline in English. This guide, which was originally published in German, aims to provide all relevant stakeholders with a practical, easy-to-understand summary of the main steps, players and requirements involved in the procedures around Section 17a of the German Residence Act. is the German government’s portal for qualified professionals from around the world. The portal, which can be browsed in a variety of different languages, offers information for those interested in moving to Germany – starting with preparations in the home country, to the actual move, to the first steps to be taken in Germany.
The most applications for recognition processed in 2018 were filed by the Syrians. The majority of recognition notifications were issued for doctors. A much lower number of recognition notifications concerned dentists, pharmacists, general nurses and office clerks. For most professions, the number of applications is between 30 and 70.
International teams are an asset: by recruiting staff from abroad, employers not only bring highly qualified employees into the company. With their new approaches and their experience of other cultural backgrounds, international qualified professionals also enrich corporate culture.