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In this section we demonstrate how companies can assist the employees in having their foreign qualifications recognised. Depending on whether the skilled worker is applying from abroad or from within Germany, the options for assistance can differ.
The share of applicants granted full equivalence in Germany varies widely by individual professions and by professional groups. The proportion of applicants who received full equivalence is especially high in the sales and healthcare sectors.
In terms of individual professions, the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. Over 90% of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a veterinarian, occupational therapist, speech therapist or pharmacist recognized receive full equivalence. In the most professions, the share of those granted full equivalence varies from 50% to 90%.
The success rate of recognition procedures in Germany differs depending on the region where the foreign professional qualification was obtained. It tends to be higher in the regions geographically and culturally close to Germany.
Applicants from Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain have the highest chances of positive ruling since their success rate is over 90%. The recognition rate of those from Belgium equals 100%, which means that all applicants from Belgium get full equivalence. The success rate of those from Czech Republic, Netherlands and Portugal is over 94%.
In terms of individual professions the recognition rate in Germany diverges widely. On the one hand, over 90% of master bricklayers and master concrete workers receive full equivalence. Only slightly below this figure is the success rate of applicants who wish to have their license to practice as a dentist or veterinarian recognized.