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The 2017 report marks the fifth anniversary of the law and reveals that success has been achieved right across the board. Efficient administrative structures, comprehensive information and guidance provision have been established over the past five years. The number of recognition applications is continuing to rise. Three quarters of all recognition notices certified full equivalence between foreign and German qualifications. The results of the external evaluation confirm that professional or occupational recognition is improving people’s life circumstances. Recognition is working!
Immigrants perform worse in the labor market than natives, likely because of the low transferability of home-country professional certificates. The standardized recognition of professional certificates in the host country represents one policy for increasing their transferability.This paper investigates the effects of a large recognition reform in Germany on the labor market outcomes of non-EU immigrants.
Germany is faced with the immense challenge of integrating thousands of refugees. The most successful path to integration is through the workplace. Refugees bring with them motivation, energy and commitment. Many of them are qualified professionals. Moreover, while fleeing from their home country, they gained a wide range of experiences useful for German employers. Refugees in Germany are eager to find a job and contribute actively to the society they live in. For refugees, employment is a new start in a new country and an opportunity to find home in Germany. For companies, employing refugees is an opportunity to fill open positions and invest in the future. Due to the demographic change and ageing society, many companies find it difficult to recruit the qualified professionals they need. The fact that the majority of refugees who come to us are under 35 years old enables companies to find and bind the employees they need.
On 11-13 April, the International Government Achievements Exhibition (DIGAE 2016) takes place for the fourth time in Dubai. This year, the conference is held under an overarching theme “Government Innovation, Incubator for Citizens' Happiness”. Local government entities as well as international authorities, institutions and ministries will showcase their innovative programs and effective projects in public administration. DIGAE facilitates an open dialogue on the effectiveness and efficiency of performance in public administration and offers a forum for transfer of public service excellence. DIGAE is designed to demonstrate how effective public governance impacts competitiveness, citizens’ happiness, economic resilience, innovation acceleration, infrastructure roll-out, Cleantech investments, healthcare coverage and tourism attractiveness.
The Company Award “We for Recognition” will be launched for the first time this year. The award ceremony will take place in Berlin on June 21, 2017 in the context of the conference “5 years with the Recognition Act – once learned, never forgotten”. Federal minister for Education and Research, Johanna Wanka, as well as Presidents of the German Federation of Chambers of Commerce (DIHK) and the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), Eric Schwitzer and Hans Peter Wollenseifer will be present at the conference.
The “2013 Shortage Analysis” conducted by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) on behalf of the BMWi’s competence centre has found that companies in Germany increasingly have trouble filling vacancies because there are not enough suitable candidates.
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In Germany thanks to the three central information portals for recognition of foreign professional qualifications, “BQ-Portal”, “Recognition in Germany” and “anabin”, there is a wide range of information on the recognition process. From now on, the new project “ProRecognition” aims to offer also in other countries comprehensive information on the possibilities of having foreign qualifications recognised in Germany.