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On April 16, 2015 German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foreign Skills Approval (IHK FOSA) in Nuremberg. On her trip Federal Chancellor was accompanied by Johanna Wanka, the Federal Minister of Education and Research.
What benefits can you and your employees expect from recognition process? Why is it worth your while to support an international job applicant or existing employee in having their foreign qualifications recognised? Here we list the advantages a formal assessment of foreign professional qualifications offer you and your employees.
The flyer in Ukrainian describes important stages on the way to recognition of foreign professional qualifications and lists free sources of information and advice.
The majority of recognition notifications is granted to applicants from Romania. The majority of the recognition notifications are issued for regulated professions, especially general care nurses and doctors. There are much fewer notifications issued for the non-regulated professions such as office clerks and electrical systems technicians.
The majority of recognition notifications is granted to the applicants from Romania. The majority of the recognition notifications are issued for the regulated professions, especially general care nurse and doctor. There are much fewer notifications issued for the non-regulated professions such as office clerks and electrical systems technician.
The majority of applications for recognition are filed by foreign doctors wishing to have their license recognised to practise medicine. The range of countries of origin is enormous. Syria, a non-European country, ranked first with 633 applications processed. Romania ranked second, followed by Austria. About 250 applications processed were filed by those trained each in Egypt, Russia and Ukraine.
As of January 18, 2016, the Recognition Act was revised: from now on, the citizens of the European Union or European Economic Area can submit their application and all relevant documents online. Furthermore, their applications will be processed by a single contact point. This application procedure will apply, at first, only to the regulated professions in the federal responsibility.
The most applications for recognition processed in 2018 were filed by the Syrians. The majority of recognition notifications were issued for doctors. A much lower number of recognition notifications concerned dentists, pharmacists, general nurses and office clerks. For most professions, the number of applications is between 30 and 70.
In this section we demonstrate how companies can assist the employees in having their foreign qualifications recognised. Depending on whether the skilled worker is applying from abroad or from within Germany, the options for assistance can differ.