What is certified?
The recognition notification, also known as the equivalency notification, indicates which qualification the applicant holds, to what extent it compares to the German reference qualification, and, in the case of partial equivalence, which differences exist. Companies can use this official notification to comprehensively assess their foreign candidate’s skills and qualifications. This enables employers to place candidates and employees in business areas that correspond to their qualifications, making the best use of the potential available.
Even if a qualification is deemed to be only partially equivalent, this will still be beneficial for a successful integration in the German labour market. A notification of partial equivalence will outline existing qualifications, but also the differences compared to a German qualification, so that the company can decide on a solid basis which job the employee is best suited for while identifying needs for further training or adaptation qualification.
You can find examples of recognition notifications from the chambers of crafts or IHK FOSA on the website of the project Professional recognition for business (UBA).
How long does the process take?
The latest one month after submitting the documents, the applicant receives a message from the competent body confirming receipt of the documents and, if required, informing them of any missing documents. Once all required documents have been submitted, the qualifications assessment process will usually be completed within three month. In the case of the fast-track procedure, the processing time is reduced to two months.
Processing time can be extended in case there is no information available on the content of the foreign professional training or if there are reasonable doubts about the authenticity of the credential. The competent body can request further documents and, in such cases, extend the processing time once only. Should the applicant be unable to submit the required documents for reasons beyond their control or should the applicant’s documents not provide enough information to review the equivalence, a qualification analysis may be performed.
The results of the notification of recognition
There are three possible outcomes of the recognition process.